Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Summer Begins

First time in the sand. The "flood buggies" were so bad this day that we didn't stay long at The Palisades.
Don't look, I gonna eat some clovers.

Lately, we've been spending almost everyday at the park. We'll, Maya and her Daddy have, and I'm usually working. She loves to climb on the equipment, spin the spinning things, and go down the slide. She also likes to pick up pine cones, go for walks, and try to eat things that are generally yucky..mmm, wood chips. The result of all this running around and playing is a baby that goes to sleep much earlier and sleeps fairly well. This makes mommy and daddy happy because it means more mommy and daddy time.

Maya is interested in other kids at the playground, but doesn't really interact with them (she likes to watch). Although she does enjoy chasing Max around and laughing when she sees him.

She still loves fruit, won't eat ice cream or cakey. But if you cut up grapes-that's the good stuff.

Man she's a talker now. "Up", "Wylie", "Shoes", "Hot" - these are just a few of the new ones. If we pour coffee, or if you open the stove she says "hot" in this cute whispery way that Max used to do when he was her age. They told us that she would know six words by 15 months. We looked at each other because she already knew six and now it's like ten or twelve.

I don't mean to brag, but she's getting an A- in AP English.

She also loves her new big girl car seat!


Anonymous said...

She's growing too fast! Quick! Put a brick on her head.

Grandma Jo

Aaron Prime said...

So that's why the top of my head is flat...