Sorry such a long delay between posts. We've been really busy. Actually, I've been busy trying to balance work and home. Maya's just been busy sucking on her hand and trying to reach her feet. So hard!! And yet she wants them so badly!!

She's also been trying to coo and talk more. Oh and her cute baby laughs!! You know when it's not quite a robust laugh but they are trying and noises come out? She especially likes to talk to "Mr. Guy" which is a smiley face I Sharpie'd onto a card. She just sits on her changing table and coos away to her black and white friends. She laughs at mommy and daddy.
Also, she's trying to figure out a routine and so far it goes like this: Up around 6:30AM, nap around 8:30Am...wake up whenever with baby naps in between, back to sleep for a long time around 1PM, Up again around 4....sleep for a few minutes here and there until 8 or 9, then it's bedtime. What we're witnessing is a big girl in the making. A big girl who keeps out growing (in length, not width) all her clothes. Three months old on Monday!!