Wednesday, March 24, 2010

So Sorry, So Busy

I have been very busy lately going to see houses and trying to sleep (inzombia) so I haven't had a chance to upload photos..sorry!

Here are a few from the last month, and by a few I mean a lot: Maya likes to hide in these we took everything out of them.
Maya wasn't too impressed with sledding. Never have I seen a kid go down a hill fast and have a blank expression on their face. Not happy, not scared. Just bored. She would rather dig in the snow with a shovel. Oh well....

This is Aunt B's...cake?
A night with the boy cousins! Max and Maya share a hug (with Maya's favorite doll "Nakie Boy". (Maya is fond of saying "I wanna be nakie all the time," She seldom wears pants at home.)
Maya's "Bebe Sully."

Riley conked out and so sweet.
This was Maya's first day back at the park. What a long winter it was for this outdoorsy little girl. She is a big fan of the swings, or "fings" as she calls them.
These are from another day at the park. We took her to two parks in one day!! It was the second park after Grandpa Greg and Grandma Peggy brought her big girl bed, which she took a nap in right after they left. It's her favorite spot to read in...and I think it's hilarious to hear this wailing sound come running down the hall in the middle of the night when she wakes up. Which is of course a lot because it seems Maya is also an inzombiac.

I got out of the shower one day to this. Maya had every single nightnight diapie opened like dead birds in the hall. She then put them all away.

That's it. She's growing and changing and of course has this crazy amazing vocabulary and way of carrying on conversations that makes her seem older than her 22 months.

She's even started saying, "Ummm.." before starting a sentence. I think she's close to potty training, "Momma have to go poop potty" usually means she wants to sit on the potty to "toot". But she's trying! She also tells me when I have to go poop potty. "Momma go poop potty now?" She also has gotten into imaginative play. She gets really into making her bubble toys talk in the bath and it's cute to listen to them "bye bye mommy whale..." "okay let's go."