These photos are from last Tuesday when we went to Siamville with Jered, Shauna, and Max for Brynna's birthday. I wasn't quite prepared for the cute nose kisses between Max and Maya so sorry that's blurry! Last Friday I got sick and I'm still in the land of serious cold so I haven't been taking any photos. But in Maya news she's starting to test us with tantrums which is loads of fun. If we put our drinking glasses where she can't reach them, she cries for them. If I hand her her sippy cup instead of my glass, she throws in on the floor. She cries when we say "No standing in the tubby." She's a firecracker.
She won't say "Bah Bah" when you ask her ("Bye, Bye"), but she'll yell it once you leave. "BAH BAH!!"