Finally I've sifted thru the photos I took in Ames and they are all, except for a few here and there, photos of babies.

HIZZAH it's Christmas ol' chums.

two days apart.

Two hours to get ready every morning. It works as Shauna is pointing out in this photo. (That's why there are no photos of me, cause it's like two minutes of getting ready)

Riley and Max

She totally pushed Maisie off the piano bench with her feet.

Sully and his Daddy

Grandma Jo and Ella

The Mustache That Saved Christmas, I saw it on Hallmark, I lived it in Ames.

Riley has an uncomfortable smile. I love it.

Chris and Kim

Aaron and his baby boo
Christmas in Ames. Went by like a blur, and all I really remember is holding babies, chasing my baby, holding a baby and watching a baby, looking at babies, babies, babies babies...I missed a lot of photographic moments *opening presents* because I was so busy with my baby and all these other babies.
Can you blame me, I mean come on, there's this one who slept most of the time. Making him incredibly nice to snuggle with.

Then there's this one, who spends a lot of time awake and sometime yelling but always incredibly alert like he's writing his memoirs already or something.

Or it's gas. Either way it's cute.
And then there's this one. *sigh*

I know what you're thinking. And I asked, they just refuse to give her away. Seriously, I know my baby is cute, but this is the cutest, sweetest little baby I have ever had the pleasure of wanting to steal. And eat. Look at her, she wants Maya's cookie so bad...

It took A LOT of strength not to steal them both. I regret my decision everyday. LOOK AT HER!! She's a doll. And Sully is zen baby here.
And I cannot forget this guy, who is the best kid ever.

Except when he conspires with this one......

And they won't let this one...
(yeah, they won't let Kyle play with cruel. He cried, A LOT)

follow them around like the rock stars they are. Like it really bothered her. She still talks about them and if she sees little girls in the grocery store, "Maisie??" And little boys, "Max???" They are like her freakin' heroes man.

Max really wanted me to take a picture of this, but I kept tricking him into talking so I could get those GQ poses earlier. So I'll end with